Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
All functionality related to a poker game and its representation.

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division

from .poker import poker_rounds, Round, Action, deck

__author__ = 'Florian Wilhelm'
__copyright__ = 'Florian Wilhelm'

[docs]class ActionInfo(object): """ The action of a player during the poker game. :param player: player (:obj:`~.Player`) :param kind: type of the action (:obj:`~.Action`) :param money: stake of the action if available """ def __init__(self, player, kind, money=None): self.player = player self.kind = kind = money def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, ActionInfo): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __unicode__(self): content = "Player: {}, kind: {}, money: {}".format(self.player, self.kind, return unicode(content) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
[docs]class RoundInfo(object): """ Information about the poker round. :param gameState: name of the poker round (:obj:`~.Round`) :param cards: board card of the round as defined in :obj:`~.deck` """ def __init__(self, gameState, cards=None): assert gameState in poker_rounds self._gameState = gameState self._cards = cards if cards else [] self._actions = [] @property def actions(self): return self._actions @property def gameState(self): return self._gameState @property def name(self): for attr, value in vars(Round).items(): if attr.startswith("__"): continue if value == self._gameState: return attr @property def cards(self): return self._cards def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, RoundInfo): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ return NotImplemented def __unicode__(self): content = {'GameState': self._gameState, 'Cards': self._cards, 'Actions': str(self._actions)} return unicode(content) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
[docs]class GameError(Exception): def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.message) def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
[docs]class Game(object): """ A poker game holding the information about the actions of the players. """ def __init__(self, gameId, myPlayerId): self._gameId = gameId self._myPlayerId = myPlayerId self._players = [] self._dealer = None self._rounds = [] self._pocketCards = None self._boardCards = [] self._smallBlind = None self._highestSet = 0 self._minimumRaise = 0 self._handNum = 1 self._wins = {} self._othersCards = {} @property def wins(self): return self._wins
[docs] def addWin(self, playerId, money): self._wins[playerId] = money
@property def othersCards(self): return self._othersCards
[docs] def addOthersCards(self, playerId, cards): self._othersCards[playerId] = cards
@property def seats(self): seats = sorted([(, p) for p in self.players]) return [p for _, p in seats] @property def handNum(self): return self._handNum @property def minimumRaise(self): return self._minimumRaise @minimumRaise.setter def minimumRaise(self, money): self._minimumRaise = money @property def highestSet(self): return self._highestSet @highestSet.setter def highestSet(self, money): self._highestSet = money @property def smallBlind(self): return self._smallBlind @smallBlind.setter def smallBlind(self, money): self._smallBlind = money @property def bigBlind(self): return 2*self._smallBlind @property def pocketCards(self): return self._pocketCards @pocketCards.setter def pocketCards(self, cards): assert len(cards) == 2 for card in cards: assert card in deck self._pocketCards = cards @property def dealer(self): return self._dealer @dealer.setter def dealer(self, player): self._dealer = player @property def players(self): return self._players
[docs] def addPlayer(self, player): if player not in self._players: self._players.append(player) else: raise GameError("Player with id {} already listed".format( player.playerId))
[docs] def delPlayer(self, player): self._players.remove(player)
[docs] def getPlayer(self, id): """ Retrieves a player from the game :param id: id of the player :return: player """ player = [p for p in self._players if p.playerId == id] if len(player) == 1: return player[0] else: raise GameError("Player with id {} not found.".format(id))
@property def gameId(self): return self._gameId def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Game): return self.gameId == other.gameId return NotImplemented
[docs] def existRound(self, name): """ Checks if the poker round exists in this game :param name: poker round of :obj:`~.Round` :return: test if round exists """ position = poker_rounds.index(name) if position < len(self._rounds): return True else: return False
[docs] def addRound(self, name, cards=None): """ Adds a poker round to the game :param name: poker round of type :obj:`~.Round` :param cards: board cards of the round """ position = poker_rounds.index(name) if position < len(self._rounds): raise GameError("Poker round exists already.") elif position == len(self._rounds): poker_round = RoundInfo(gameState=name, cards=cards) self._rounds.append(poker_round) elif position > len(self._rounds): raise GameError("Trying to add a poker round at wrong position.")
@property def currRoundInfo(self): """ Current poker round :return: poker round :rtype: :obj:`~.RoundInfo` """ if self._rounds: return self._rounds[-1] else: raise GameError("No poker round available.") @property def currRound(self): return self.currRoundInfo.gameState
[docs] def existPlayer(self, id): """ Checks if a player exists in the game :param id: id of the player :return: test if player exists """ try: self.getPlayer(id) except GameError: return False return True
[docs] def addAction(self, playerId, kind, money=None): """ Adds an action to the current round of the game :param playerId: id of player :param kind: type of the action of :obj:`~.Action` :param money: stake of the action if available """ if not self.existPlayer(playerId) and not kind == Action.FOLD: raise GameError("Adding an action of player wiht id {} that " "is not in game.".format(playerId)) player = self.getPlayer(playerId) action = ActionInfo(player=player, kind=kind, money=money) self.currRoundInfo.actions.append(action)
[docs] def getActions(self, playerId=None, rounds=None): """ Retrieves actions from the game with optional restrictions on rounds and a player. :param playerId: id of the player or :obj:`None` for all players :param rounds: list of rounds (:obj:`~.Round`) to consider :return: list of actions (:obj:`~.Actioninfo`) """ if rounds is not None: rounds = [poker_rounds.index(round) for round in rounds] else: rounds = range(len(self._rounds)) actions = [] for poker_round in rounds: actions.extend(self._rounds[poker_round].actions) if playerId is not None: player = self.getPlayer(playerId) actions = [action for action in actions if action.player == player] return actions
@property def myBet(self): if self.currRound == Round.PREFLOP: rounds = poker_rounds[:3] elif self.currRound == Round.SMALL_BLIND \ or self.currRound == Round.BIG_BLIND: raise GameError("myBet cannot be called while posting blinds.") else: rounds = [self.currRound] myActions = self.getActions(self._myPlayerId, rounds=rounds) if myActions: return myActions[-1].money else: return 0
[docs] def startNewHand(self): self._rounds = [RoundInfo(gameState=Round.SMALL_BLIND)] if self._handNum > 1: # move dealer button dealer_seat = ( + 1) % len(self.seats) = [p for p in self.players if == dealer_seat][0] self._handNum += 1 self._wins = {} self._othersCards = {}